RBT Featured Ambassadors
Stephen Cunic of Ghostech Strike Indicators

Stephen is the owner/CEO of Ghostech Strike Indicators. We met at The Fly Fishing Show in Marlborough, MA and have become fast friends, sharing stories at our booths every year. Stephen was a little skeptical about the tenkara method at first, but has become a true believer after trying it out on his home waters near Allentown, PA. He gave us some of his splashless strike indicators to try out and we have been using them to teach newbies, tenkara. You may have seen them in the NH Chronicle feature on tenkara, where we used them to make it easier for the camera to follow our lines. We are excited to welcome Stephen as an ambassador and look forward to him sharing some great pictures of his home waters.
Mason Thagouras, founder of White Mountain Anglers and Registered New Hampshire Guide, has always been passionate about NH’s great outdoors has He was raised here in the Androscoggin Valley, and spent most of his childhood fly fishing the Androscoggin River near his grandparent’s home in Shelburne NH, walking up and down its banks studying the bug life and trout habitats from one pool to the next. Ever since he began casting a fly rod and tying flies at an early age, he has been enamored by the state’s water and the local fishery, and over time, fly fishing became the center of his universe. Since the day he received his driver’s license Mason has never stopped exploring the local Granite State waters on the hunt for elusive wild and naturalized trout. Mason is a preferred guide at North Country Angler in North Conway. Visit his site at...
Nate Hill of Hill Country Guides